Barbaren Barbies

Circus. Comedy. Womenhood.

A true ode to powerful women and the hilarity of the human condition wrapped in a big fat circus bow.

The Barbaren Barbies are an international circus collective based in Berlin. Known to be as witty and hilarious as they are touching and unapologetic. These ridiculous barbarians smash together incredible acrobatics, dance and comedy with delightfully shocking silliness. These bold superheroines love to playfully tease stereotypes and tackle the complexity of womanhood. They successfully mash up comedy with circus and bring theater into variety with energy and verve. It's as if the underground Berlin circus scene had a beautiful love child with a Vegas Spice Girl.



The Barbaren Barbies are going to this year's Edinburgh Fringe Festival!

We have a very exciting opportunity - we have been offered a place at the prominent ‘Udderbelly’ - otherwise known as ‘The Purple Cow’. This amazing opportunity is too good to turn down and we are delighted to say we are taking the plunge.

The Edinburgh Fringe Festival is however no small undertaking and the costs are many, so after the incredible feedback and genuine excitement for our work over the last 2 years it is time we unapologetically and boldly ask YOU for your support to help make our dreams come true!

Because after Berlin and before Las Vegas comes Edinburgh, right?!

For support and more information to the project and the festival follow this link:

Upcoming Events

14. November 2024 - 16. November 2024
// Berlin
@ Zirkus Mond
23. Januar 2025 - 25. Januar 2025
// Dresden
@ Societaetstheater
20. März 2025 - 23. März 2025
// Berlin
@ Pfefferberg Theater
3. April 2025 - 13. April 2025
// Marburg
@ Waggonhalle
Buy tickets